


Discover, collect, and sell

Extraordinary NFTs

RamziNFT, Global NFT marketplace on Polygon Blockchain


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Create and sell your NFTs

Set up your wallet

Once you’ve set up your wallet of choice, connect it to RamziNFT by clicking the wallet icon in the top right corner.

Create your collection

Create and manage collections of your unique NFTs to share and sell!

Add your NFTs

Once your wallet is connected to our site, you are ready to start creating NFTs! Whether it's pictures of your car, almost anything can be tokenized!

List them for sale

Once you created your NFT, you can see it on your profile . In order to put your token on sale, you have to list your NFT and decide the price you want to put them on sale for.

Recent NFTs


Buying NFT advertisement has become very trendy these days that cryptocurrency fans have felt it all around the world. Buying and selling NFT is a profitable business for investors, so you may want to try your chance. What you need is to just follow these steps.
What are the benefits of buying and selling NFT? Should we consider them long-term investments? What are the steps to dealing NFTs and how do I buy NFTs? Are NFTs cheap? Find all the answers in this article.
Why are NFTs not fungible and what are their uses?
What is NFT? To know more about NFT, you have to know what it is and why it is not exchangeable?
NFTs are commonly used in the visual arts today, and many famous artists create NFT products.
NFTs are limited, which is why they are important. This limitation makes them more valuable. NFTs are also valued based on the fame of the artist.
Investing in NFT may be very profitable for celebrities, and it is considered as short term investment without any risk.
That is why the cost of tokens invested by celebrities is occasionally galactic. Another strange thing about these resources is that they cannot be duplicated or copied. In addition, their verification capability is consistently available, and NFTs can be used as the most basic evidence for deciding whether a person owns an artwork.

How Buy NFT At RamziNFT Platform:

Instructions for buying and selling NFT are displayed in full and on this page (click). In the following, we will briefly discuss how to buy different types of NFTs in RamziNFT market. To start shopping on the reputable RamziNFT platform, you must select ‌your wallet and switch it to the Polygon blockchain network. To exchange NFT, you must have enough ether currency in your digital wallet. For example, you can use the Metamask wallet to do this. Follow the steps below correctly.

  • Step 1: connect your wallet
    • Enter login page, select the wallet and accept Terms of Services.
  • Step 2: Exploring NFTs
    • You can use explore page to visit different NFTs or utilize the search page to look after artwork from an artist.
  • Step 3: buying an NFT
    • Click on the buy button to complete your purchase. You need to have enough credit in your wallet to complete your purchase. During the purchase process, you will be asked for several signatures, which are required to move tokens and pay for network and NFT.

After successfully completing the NFT purchase process, it can be seen in your profile and you can sell it at any price.

Sell NFT in RamziNFT marketplace:

Instructions for buying and selling NFT are displayed in full and on this page (click). In the following, we will briefly discuss how to buy different types of NFTs in RamziNFT market. To start shopping on the reputable RamziNFT platform, you must select ‌your wallet and switch it to the Polygon blockchain network. To exchange NFT, you must have enough ether currency in your digital wallet. For example, you can use the Metamask wallet to do this. Follow the steps below correctly.

  • Step 1: connect your wallet
    • Enter login page, select the wallet and accept Terms of Services.
  • Step 2: Enter create NFT page
    • By clicking on create button, you will be redirected to the NFT creation page.
  • Step 3: Complete the creation process
    • Upload the image you want to mint, select a name for it, select the desired network, and go to the next page by clicking the create icon. Now you can edit it if needed and finally sell it by clicking on the sell icon. Clicking on the sell icon will take you to the NFT pricing page according to your token. By completing the sales process and signing a smart contract in your wallet, you can list your NFT on the platform. The same goes for building NFT with the phone on Android and iOS operating systems. As you can see, the cost of making NFT is not high and you can buy and sell NFT at a reasonable cost.

Selling NFT tips:

NFTs have revolutionized the world of digital art, allowing anyone to sell their work for a considerable amount of money. One of the NFT sales tips to consider is that you do not necessarily need to be an artist. Anything can be sold as NFT, including music, paintings, GIFs, tweets, and even a selfie at a reasonable price. So income from NFT is a good idea.
Demand for the art of cryptography is growing and users are flocking to the market to offer unique cryptographic tokens.

How to sell NFT easily?

Remember that you must first bookmark your work and list it in markets such as RamziNFT and other reputable platforms
Of course, it should be noted that websites such as Opensea and Rarible will block the account if they know that there is an account belonging to an Iranian user, and there is always a risk of being blocked.
But on the RamziNFT NFT platform, there is no need to worry about account blocking for this reason. RamziNFT is the first Iranian NFT site to create, buy and sell a variety of works of art.